Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Self-absorbed gays!

I had a hectic couple of days; been in an offsite meeting at Cyberjaya. Kinda like a team building thingie. It was fun, at times, since the staff got to 'get loose' and have fun and getting to know each other a lil bit more. Though i might say, some of them, got a lil carried away; drinking too much and getting a 'hangover' on Day 2 and some 'hanky panky' along the way. Nonetheless, the resort is so beautiful and the room is so spacious.

Enough about the event. Back to the original topic. What do the words 'self-absorbed gays' mean? They mean gays who love themselves so much that they think they are better and superior beings than other gays. They are so self-absorbed that they think that they are the kings (or shall I say QUEENS) of the world, more appropriately, the PLU world. It's a classic case double standard in any society. But so much apparent in gay society.

This is what happened to me just now. Aku tengah tunggu nak naik lif at my apartment block when suddenly this gay couple also arrived and tengah tunggu nak naik lif at the same time. Ada 3 lif at my apartment block. Masa tunggu lif tu, i noticed that both of them gave me that 'cynical' look. You know. That ' i am way better than you' kinda look. That schmuck look. That superior look. i was taken aback by their attitude and what made it worst is that bila pintu lif terbuka, i pun went in but i heard the bf cakap 'Tak nak naik lah. Kita tunggu the next one lah'.

OMG! I wish i nak cakap aje yg diorang ni perasan handsome. Macam lah handsome or all that sangat. macamlah i nak terhegeh2 kat diorang. So pathetic! I wonder how long they will stay as a couple with that attitude. Which brings me to the essence of double standard practice among the gay ppl. Why would one think that they are superior, better, than the other gays? It's bad enough that there aren't many gays in the world and the prevailing discriminating laws against gays. Sesama sendiri pun nak dengki or memandang rendah to the other gays. I pity them.

Perhaps, they need a wake up call that they are not, after all, perfect. The pie is big enough for everyone to have a piece of it. A little humility is good enough. Imagine a world with lots of self-absorbed people or gays; everyone goes for a perfection. Incredibly anal! Insanely vain! Condemning and punishing those 'civilian' with flaws. What would that world turn out to be? A chaotic world of "fakeness". A total recipe for disaster!

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