Saturday, February 14, 2009

My favourite show ever: ANTM!

TV (my TV that is hehehe...) has never been the same since America's Next Top Model (ANTM) shown on air. Thanks to Tyra for making a fashion modelling as 'real TV'. I love the cattiness. Bitchiness. The in-house drama. The over-the-top photo shoots. The outrageous catwalks. The juries' antiques and Tyra's too. It's FIERCE all the way through. I've watched religiously (the 1st runs, the repeats, the DVDs collection) every cycles of ANTM.

The winners from Cycle 1 to 11 are:
1. Adrianne (Elyse should have won. She is famous on international catwalks though now.)
2. Yoanna (My all time favourite)
3. Eva
4. Naima
5. Nicole
6. Danielle (Surprisingly Mollie Sue outdid Dani as she made headlines and now based in Paris.)
7. Caridee
8. Jaslene
9. Saleisha
10. Whitney
11. McKey

Here is my ranking for the winners. Which winners came out top on my list?

1. Yoanna
2. McKey
3. Nicole
4. Jaslene
5. Naima
6. Saleisha
7. Danielle
8. Whitney
9. Eva
10. Caridee
11. Adrianne

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