Friday, February 1, 2008


I was rejected last night. I'm so sad right now. He told me i wasn't his type. But, the truth is, why he even bother to come down to KL to meet me if i'm not his type in the first place. Pelik Bin Ajaib. Very weird. So insanely absurd that some people would do such thing. He doesn't even have the "balls" to say to me upfront. But, instead, he send me an SMS "rejecting" me.
Some people are just unbelievable. That saying or statement "I don't go for looks. It's what inside that counts. Your heart matters. Saya tak melihat pada paras rupa. Yang penting hati yang ikhlas dan jujur. " What a croak of shits! Bullshit! That's how I summarize these types of people. Manusia ini ternyata bodoh. Manusia ini bodoh. Tapi yang membezakan kebodohan itu ialah rasional dan logika. I am myself a human, a manusia but yang membezakan aku dengan manusia lain ialah logik. Kalau niat atau nawaitu ikhlas, berlaku jujur is the best. Honesty is always the best policy.
The hardest part of putting myself out there looking for love, dating is - rejection. It just feels awful. But, people still are superficial. They base on your looks before factoring little details about you. and most of the time, they are rejecting you before you reject them. They take people at face value. If they are looking for Brad Pitt, they might as well "take a hike".
All I can say is that this is not my first rejection. This is my first for 2008. I should open my own "Reject Shop" with every corner of my shops describing how i was being rejected. It is become so popular that people will come to my shop which is essentially a cafe and not a shop that the cafe would be a hotspot for people who have been rejected to dine and share something in common. I should do that. Always remember, "people never reject the real you". It's their loss actually. They reject what they imagine you to be before they ever really have the chance to know the real you.

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